Rabiatul Adawiyah Siregar, Diah Kusyani


Abstract: This research discusses the symbolic meaning and value of local wisdom of the nganggung tradition in Hirata's novel Dwilogi Padang Bulan. The slogan sepintu sedulang reflects the nature of mutual cooperation. Nganggung is an ancestral heritage that reflects the social life of the community. It is hoped that the nganggung tradition will represent a reflection of society at present as a reference for values and norms to overcome various problems faced by the Indonesian nation today. Qualitative methodology is descriptive analysis with an objective approach and semiotic analysis because semiotics is the science of analysis of the signaling system which functions to explore a meaning. The data collection technique is done by using library technique, documentation, analysis and data processing. The results of the analysis concluded that the nganggung tradition has a symbolic meaning in the form of a serving hood, namely the preservation of traditional plants in the form of forest pandanus, the ancestral values of the ancestors, the shape that resembles a parabola symbolizes the nganggung tradition as a protector for all, the red color as the dominant color of the serving hood symbolizes courage and ethos. high work, the rope symbolizes the binding of diversity with togetherness and a sense of belonging, the circular shape of the pan symbolizes the dynamic attitude and flexibility of the population. The nganggung tradition also has local wisdom values that contain religious values, mutual cooperation, responsibility, respect, obedience, and independence.


nganggung tradition; symbolic meaning; local wisdom

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