Diah Kusyani, Rabiatul Adawiyah Siregar


Abstract: Literary work in the study of semiotics emphasis on the sign system. The signs in literary works must be revealed to find out the message that the author wants to deliver. The research on semiotic elements in a poetry was carried out in the interest of academic and Indonesian language learning so that it would be better, the aim of this study is to find out the semiotic elements in the collection of poems 'Orang Rangkas Bitung' by W.S. Rendra. The practical advantagesof this study can be implemented by researchers, for students, and for teachers. The focus of this study is the semiotic element in the collectionpoemsof ‘Orang Rangkas Bitung’ by W.S. Rendra in which aspects of the study are icons, indexes, and symbols. Semiotic theory by Charles Sanders Pierce is used as a measuring tool in this study. Furthermore, the research method using a qualitative. The results of the study will stress on the explanation of how the semiotic elements in the poetry of Orang Rangkas Bitung by W.S. Rendra. The steps are reading poetry of Orang Rangkas Bitung by W.S. Rendra; study poetry based on semiotics according to Charles Sanders Pierce; then analyse the semiotic elements. The data source is a collection of poems of Orang Rangkas Bitung by W.S. Rendra, and data collection techniques begin from literature study, documentation, to analysis. This research is processed with three stages, including data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions.


Poetry; Semiotic; Icons; Indexes; Symbols

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