Muhammad Noor Ahsin, Eko Widianto


Abstract:  In the manuscript of this paper discusses the representation of gender injustice in a collection of Janji Sri short stories by Pipiek Isfianti that uses critical analysis of Sara Mills. Gender issues are interesting issues that are important to study. In the short story of the Promise Sri, there are a number of short stories that raise feminism, gender, or gender injustice. The topic of gender is very important to study because this topic becomes an interesting issue and problems about women often occur in real life. The purpose of this study is to find representation of gender injustice through the positions of the characters in each of the short stories. The data in this study are words, phrases and sentences that contain representation of gender injustice in a collection of Janji Sri short stories by Pipiek Isfianti. The research method used is descriptive qualitative analysis approach to Sara Mills's critical discourse on the text collection of short stories. The results showed the author displays the figure of women as subjects who tell stories as well as objects that are told, figures in the position of subjects are able to define themselves or other parties, there are representations of gender injustice that arise such as marginalization, subordination, stereotype, and violence. Based on these findings, the need for equal rights between women and men to create a better perspective of women in society.


Discourse Analysis; Gender; Janji

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