Kusnul Khotimah, Sumarlam Sumarlam


Abstract:  Kalis Mardiasih is a female activist and book writer who is very concerned about women's rights and security. She often shares the message in her Instagram as a form of protest against women violence, in addition, to encourage women to fight bad things that hurt themselves. In her post, she uses repetition to support the message. The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the repetitions provided in the Kalis Mardiasih Instagram statement. The method in this research is descriptive qualitative. The data source in this study is Instagram, while the data in this study are the repetitions contained in the Kalis Mardiasih Instagram's caption, on January-February 2020. Data were collected using the method of referencing and note-taking techniques. Data analysis was carried out through stages: (1) reading and translating Instagram information of Kalis Mardiasih who used repetition; (2) interpret words, phrases, sentences containing repetitions and classify them. (3) analyzing repetition; and (4) summarizing the results of all interpretations. The conclusion from this study is that the most widely used repetition of Kalis is anaphora. Because the rhyme and repeating the repeition becomes easier to read, also easily accepted and hit because all the pressure is done at the beginning of the sentence so that the message is easily accessed in the caption.


Repetition; Instagram; Kalis; Women

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