Danang Satria Nugraha


Abstract: As a derivative construction, the denominal verb (DnV) appears morphologically by the derivation of nouns into verbs. The appearance implicates the formation of grammatical meanings. This research aims to describe the comparative analysis of the grammatical meanings of the DnV construction in the BI and EN. The data were DnV construction in BI and EN. The data sources were the website of the Indonesian Corpus provider entitled (a) and (b) and English language webpages entitled (a) and (b) The data collection conducted by referring to the method of language observation and documentation (Sudaryanto, 2015). In the analysis phase, the method of contrastive semantics (Lefer, 2011) used to obtain a comparative description that included similarities and differences. The results showed the construction of DnV in BI and EN had an aspect of the similarity and the difference. Firstly, aspect of the similarity includes (a) meaning of ACTION and (b) meaning of the PROCESS presented by the construction of DnV in BI and EN. Secondly, aspect of the difference includes (a) meaning of the STATE owned by the construction of DnV BI, (b) sub meanings of the ACTION in BI more diverse than in EN, and (c) sub meaning of the PROCESS in DnV EN less diverse than in BI. Further researcher advised analyzing other derivative constructions, such as deadjectival verbs and deverbal verbs.


Denominal Verbs; Indonesian; English; Contrastive Semantics

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