Nandita Wana Putri


Abstract: This research analyzes the text in English children's story book. The approach implemented in this study is discourse analysis. The research objectives aimed to describe the role of text structure that builds the story in English children fairy tales. The research method applied in this study is descriptive qualitative. The sources of data in this research are document and informant. The source from document is the reading text in English children fairy tales, while the informant in this study is the author involved in the English children fairy tales publicity. The data of this research are in the form of reading text from English children fairy tales. Based on the result of the data analysis, it is concluded that Dreamlets fairy tales written by Arleen A and EorG are categorized as coherent discourse, because it is supported by text structure that building the integrity of the story line. The text structure that builds plot are found four phases in this discourse that are orientation, complication, evaluation, and resolution. The four text structures have a role in bringing up the fairytale storyline of English-language children Dreamlets by Arleen A and EorG.


Children Fairy Tales; Discourse Analysis; Text Structure

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