Aswan Aswan


Abstract: This research offers a solution that can help the government realize the 4th pillar of the Sustainable Development Goals, namely strengthening character education through novels as supporting material for literacy activities for children of Indonesian migrant workers in Sabah Malaysia. The method used in this research is the literature study method. Researchers used a systematic literature study method from references in the form of trusted newspaper web pages, journals, previous research, and relevant books. Based on the results of problem analysis, the novel was developed in 16 chapters which are divided into 3 main parts. The first part is the orientation or character introduction, the second part is the conflict which describes the conflicts that occur in the novel, the final part is the completion of the story. Based on the 16 chapters that have been developed, the values of character education that are most highlighted are the values of curiosity, national spirit, and love for the country. The three values of character education are based on the social situation of the children of Indonesian migrant workers who are in Malaysia. It can be concluded that the design of this character education-based novel has been adapted to the conditions of the children of Indonesian migrant workers and can be used in supporting literacy activities for children of Indonesian migrant workers who are in Sabah Malaysia.


Character Education; Novel; Indonesian Migrant Worker; Literacy Activities

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