Rahmanti Asmarani, Juli Ratnawati


Abstract:  Nowadays global competition in all fields demands the increase of human resources quality, including lecturers and administrative staffs. The output of a university as a higher education will be qualified if both the lecturers even the administrative staff as human resources are truly qualified too. One effort to achieve this is by improving English learning.  The mastery of English will improve the knowledge as the development of science and technology, including education which is currently easily accessible from various sources. Therefore, the interest and implementation of learning English becomes very important for the human resources at Dian Nuswantoro University. Learning English as a foreign language certainly has various methods that can be done to achieve the goal of mastering English. The aim of the research is the development of an active English learning method in the Desaku Project program. The research method was conducted by taking a location at Dian Nuswantoro University. The respondents are 60 (sixty) respondents from five faculties and Bureaus / Units who answered the questionnaires containing a number of questions and explanations of respondents' opinions.


active English learning; “Desaku” program; learning quality; strategies; human resources

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