Sri Oemiati, Rahmanti Asmarani


Abstract:  Literary work is the result of a reflection of human life in which the attitudes, behavior, and mindset of human beings are implied. The material is taken from the real world, but is processed by the imagination or fiction of the author. As a reflection of human behavior, thoughts and views in the real world, then another science is needed to analyze the literary work. One of them is feminism. Literary feminism is needed to analyze unequal gender relations and promote a balanced level between men and women. This study discusses the existence and role of female figures in the film Memoirs of Geisha. This research is a qualitative descriptive study which attempts to describe the existence and role of female characters in the film Memoirs of Geisha. This study aims to describe the existence and role of female characters in Arthur Golden's Memoirs of Geisha using the feminism approach. The target is expected to add insight into the existence and role of female figures and broaden knowledge about the study of literary analysis using a feminist approach. Data collection techniques are done by observation and written documents. The research steps consist of 1) design 2) data collection 3) data processing 4) drawing conclusions, and 5) report writing. Data collection phase includes data categorization activities and data analysis. The writing phase of the report includes the activity of writing the report and presenting the results of the research. The results of this study are expected to be able to add insight into the existence and role of female figures and broaden knowledge about the study of literary analysis using a feminism approach.


existence; role of female figures; feminism

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