Aziz Fauzi, Rona Gokma Aulida


Abstract: Transportation become medium that needed by human to help an activity that moving from one place to another. KRL Jabodetabek has become one of transportation that enjoyed by human to travel around. The number of appeals in KRL Jabodetabek that must be understood well, so as not to violate the appeal or regulation. The role of pragmatic is needed to interpret a notice on KRL Jabodetabek, thus the interpreted meaning adjusted to the context and speech situation. This study used descriptive qualitative method. The data collecting technique used observation technique, documentation technique, and note technique. The data analysis of this study used Miles and Huberman’s interactive model analysis that include four components: 1) data collection, 2) data reduction, 3) data display, 4) drawing conclusion. The data showed that there were 26 directive speech act found in notice on KRL Jabodetabek, 2 directive speech act (command), 2 directive speech act (request), 1 directive speech act (suggestion), 6 direct speech act (advice), and 15 directive speech act (prohibition). The result of this study is expected to enrich insight in the linguistics field, also it can be useful for KRL Jabodetabek clients to properly understand thus not disobey the notice on the train.


KRL Jabodetabek; notice image; directive speech act

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