Dodik Murdiyanto Laksmana Putra, Wakit Abdullah Rais, Sawardi Sawardi


Abstract: For Kasepuhan Ciptagelar residents in Sukamulya,  Sirnaresmi Village, Cisolok Subdistrict, Sukabumi District, a life guide in the form of tatali paranti karuhun must be implemented because any violation of it will result in a disaster (kabendon), both for himself and the community. That way, Kasepuhan residents hope to be able to avoid various disasters. This study attempts to describe the problem (1) how the cultural context of the Sundanese pamali sentence contains kabendon in Kasepuhan Ciptagelar Sukabumi, (2) how the lexical and cultural meaning of the Pamali sentence is, (3) what is the function of that meaning. The form of this research is descriptive qualitative. The approach used in this study is the ethnolinguistic approach. This approach looks at language that was born in a local culture of the community. This approach was taken because it is in accordance with the object of research to be carried out, namely categorizing the Sundanese language that reflects restrictions on the attitude of the Kasepuhan Ciptagelar community. The data analysis technique used by researchers is to record the findings of Sundanese sentences in Kasepuhan Ciptagelar based on the results of recordings and interviews, classify sentences, give meaning based on data in the field, describe their cultural context, and draw conclusions. Based on data analysis in this study, there were 22 sentences of Sundanese language which were classified as cultural contexts regarding 2 taboos and 2 appeals in the life of Kasepuhan Ciptagelar people, namely abstinence in behavior, special abstinence for pregnant women, appeals in behavior, and special appeals for pregnant women.


Kasepuhan Ciptagelar; Ethnolinguistics; Pamali Sentences; Kabendon; Sundanese

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