Merty Karlina Sari, Muhammad Rifqi Fauzan, Sumarlam Sumarlam


Abstract: This study aims to reveal the function of nouns in the accusative case in Russian. The method used in this study is the listening method and note technique. The method of data analysis used in this study is agih method and the researcher taking data using a purposive sampling technique by taking each sentence which is an accusative case by looking at the changes that occur in nouns or noun phrases based on the Russian linguist theory. The source of data in this study is a collection of Russian short stories entitled Malyenkiye Prokazniki Vasyeleuye Razkazeuy. From the finding and discussion it can be concluded that the function of nouns and noun phrases in the accusative case in Russian is as an object in the sentence, description of place and direction information


noun function; accusative case; short story

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