Dzakyy Ridha Mufadhdhal, Wakit Abdullah Rais, Sri Marmanto


Abstract: The current study aims at describing and explaining the use of language realized through code mixing speech event in Madiun Military Court. There are several points to explain in thus study namely (1) the forms of code mixing (2) their functions. The data employed in this study are any utterance indicating code mixing speech event spoken by Judge, judge advocate, witnesses, victims, and defendant involved in trials held by Madiun Military Court. Data are collected by employing listening and writing method and supported by recording technique. Data validity is achieved through data informant triangulation. The data analysis was conducted by employing interlingual and extra lingual reference based on Sociolinguistic approach. The study reveals that there are four kinds of code mixing forms namely (1) word, (2) phrase, (3) baster, and (4) word repetition. Furthermore, there are several functions classified based on those findings namely (1) speech affirnation, (2) explaining something, and (3) the form of personal relation. This study aims at describing the language event in the context of military trial. By conducting this study, it is expected to reveal the patterns of code mixing implementation in military court.


speech event; code mixing; military trial; sociolinguistics; Madiun

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