Ida Fitriyah


Abstract: Language and society are connected with each other. For bilingual and multilingual society, the connection between language and society is clearly explain from language choice which is used to explain the idea. This is make bilingual and multilingual society frequently make code-switching and code-mixing including comedy. The aim of this study is describe code-switching and code-mixing form in verbal humor DPO Corona video of Gusti Bintang. The kind of this study is descriptive qualitative. The subject of this study is video of DPO Corona. The data is acquired from transcript video of DPO Corona. Then, the data is analyzed with theory from Rokhman in case of code-switching and code-mixing form, theory of Fishman about causal factors of code-switching, and Warsiman theory about causal factors of code-mixing. As a result, DPO Corona video has code-switching and code-mixing case. In this case, code-switching form only sentence class. On the other hand, code-mixing form is more vary, word class and phrase class. Code-switching is caused by speaker and the need to make a humour. However, causal factor of code-mixing is role identify and the need to explain.


code-switching; code-mixing; stand up comedy; humor; DPO Corona

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