Wiwik Yulianti, Sumarlam Sumarlam, Agus Hari Wibowo, Muhammad Rohmadi


Language is an effective communication tool to convey a message from the speaker to the hearer. With language we can know the world. The existence of the mass media, especially radio still very much needed by the community. The nature of that broadcast radio is able to embrace the listener from diverse backgrounds and education, it is still be an effective option to get the latest information and entertainment of interest without interfering with the activity of the listener. One of the radio program is interactive and involves the listener radio visitation program, a program where listeners can send greetings and ask rotated the desired song. This program is usually used as a means to communicate the intimate between broadcaster and listener directly. So diverse speech acts that occurred in the speech in the media is interesting to study. One happens to speech in the visitation program is expressive speech acts that often occur as a result of the situation that occurs accompanying speaker and hearer at the time of direct communication. From the observations contained in the speech acts expressive speech on radio broadcasts radio visitation program. Keywords : Acts of speech , expressive , radio. 

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