Tyana Rahestrie



Captain America : Civil War (2016) is a superhero movie adapted from Marvel comics which tells about the condition after the fight bertween the Avengers and Ultron on Sokovia that leads to a great number of casualties and damage. This resulted in separation of the Avengers into two groups, one agreeing to superheroes’ registration in the government and the other refusing to cooperate. With the theme of superhero, the movie is filled with the issue of superheroes whose duty is to defend the truth and protect the world. Nevertheless, the conflict does not only evolve around political and ideological contradiction, but also personal reasons that make the superheroes seem to be more human like. It is interesting to observe how a figure of superhero who is attached to unhumanistic traits changes into a new figure of superhero with human-like traits. The purpose of this study is to analyze what are the unhumanistic traits attached to superheroes that is maintained and how the human-like traits are represented by signs. The thrichotomies of signs by Peirce consisted of three steps including sign, object, and interpretant is used to analyze the verbal and non-verbal signs. The result of the study is expected to explain how the thrichotomies of sign shows the change of meaning of superheroes into more human-like superheroes.

Keywords : superheroes, humanistic, Peirce semiotic theory, trichotomy, semiosis


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