Sungkowo Soetopo


In Indonesian abbreviation very productive. Among other, by economical reasons the Indonesian users create new acronyms that sometimes makes other Indonesian users do not know the meaning of the word. Acronyms like proper names, for example,  often forcing users alike should be frowned and wondered what the meaning of the acronym. Acronym similar to proper name first appeared is daswati 'daerah swatantra tingkat' autonomous region levels' in (1959) and the last acronym similar to proper name is expected  beti 'beda tipis' a little different'. Based on the observations, until this writing, there are 28 acronyms similar to the proper name, namely: abidinabubakar, agus, beti, burhan, daswati,  dipa, edi tansilgunawan,   jaim,  jodi,  kamal, larasita, mansur,   markus, marta, muri, petrus, puja kesuma,  ranih, romli,   suti, sutri, tomi,  umar , viktor, wisman, dan wisnu. From the data those appears, it can be seen that the classification shortening acronyms similar to proper name  namely: (1) the perpetuation of syllables, (2) the perpetuation of the final syllable, (3) the perpetuation of the first letter, (4) the perpetuation of the  finally syllables, (5) the perpetuation letter first and second, (6) the perpetuation of the first, second and last letter in the word, (7) the perpetuation of the first, second and third word, (8) the perpetuation of the last two or three letters, and (9) the perpetuation of  irregular letters. Keywords: abbreviation, acronym,  proper name

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