Paramita Widya Hapsari


This research is conducted by analyzing answering speech acts in Pride and Prejudice (PAP) novel and its two translation versions, Shira Media and Qanita Publisher. The aim of this research is to describe the translation techniques used for translating answering speech acts in PAP novel and its two translation versions. The focus of this research is to see how the translation techniques applied by translators in translating the answering speech acts. This is a descriptive-qualitative research. The source of data is PAP novel and its two translation versions. The data of this research is answering speech acts in two versions of PAP novel and its translation in Indonesian. In Shira Media Publisher, the translation techniques used are: established equivalence, variation, borrowing, amplification (explicitation), amplification (addition), reduction, modulation, adaptation, transposition, literal, discursive creation, particularization, and generalization. Meanwhile, there are 11 translation techniques used in Qanita Publisher: established equivalence, variation, borrowing, amplification (explicitation), amplification (addition), modulation, reduction, discursive creation, adaptation, transposition, and particularization. The research findings in this research show that established equivalence technique has positive impact to translation quality. Meanwhile, literal and discursive creation are technique that produce less accurate and less acceptable translation.


Keywords: bilingual novel, sentences, answering speech acts, translation, translation techniques

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