Nur Alfin Hidayati


The study of the existence of Samin community is still very interesting to study. As a unique identity, independent, and local specific genius, community Samin storing charge is thick with the study of sociological and anthropological perspective, or more precisely seen from the discipline of social anthropology. This study was to describe the evolution of the symbol of salvation ritual in Japan Samin community, district Margomulyo, Bojonegoro. Samin Japan Margomulyo have different positions between Samin community in various areas, such as: Blora, Kudus, Pati, and others. The main thing that causes the difference is; Samin Japan Margomulyo have mbah Harjo Kardi is ordained by convention as traditional leaders Samin Samin 4th generation. To understand the phenomenon of Samin community in accordance with the purposes of this study, used the framework as a frame in the data analysis that departs from the theories of constructivism, among others: phenomenology, symbolic interaction, and the construction of social reality. The research method used was ethnography, data collection techniques used; participant and non-participant observation, in-depth interviews and review documents. The number of informants 1. Analysis of the data follow these steps: description, analysis, and interpretation. The results showed that the religious system Samin community still smelled pantheism, mixing between Animism, Hinduism, and Islam. Or more accurately described as a cult (Saminisme) or spiritualism. The main means of dealing with God is to use the offerings are packed in ceremony of salvation. Samin teachings are very pragmatic and practical in terms of practice selamatan ceremony, where the symbols of salvation ritual is not rigid (very flexible). For teaching Samin (minimum interpretation given by the chairman of the customary -mbah Harjo Kardi), the emphasis is intention and effort running the rituals of salvation, not a requirement means selamatannya ceremony.


Keywords: Sosioantropologi, Evolution Symbol, selamatan Sura, Society Samin


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