STRUKTUR DAN SISTEM TANDA RUANG SAKRAL CANDI (Kasus Candi-Candi Masa Mataram Kuna Abad IX Masehi)

Niken Wirasanti


Temples as cultural phenomenon of the past (4th – 15th AD) is designed complete with its yard spatial layout establishing sacred space that was built in a place close to its supporting community. The community designed the sacred space with several considerations producing variety of spaces associated with religious rituals. Sacred space with different form of temple components and yard layouts can be seen as a sign with its meaning. Behind this diversity, sign regularities which are structured in order can still be traced in the sign system. The purpose of this paper is to reveal the relation of structure and system of signs in temples and its yard layout in people's lives. Semiotics which has widely used in language studies now is used frequently in archeology, and in this paper it is focused on the sacred space of the temple.

The sign systems of sacred space are analogous to the contributing elements of language. It means that the sign systems and temple spatial layout are like a text that can be arranged in grammar. As a sign system, sacred space has components that are temple architecture and its yard layout which consists of several layers. These components are arranged to follow the syntagmatic and paradigmatic axis producing a sacred space narrative. Given the relationship between significant and signify are dynamic, then the sacred space of the temple has expanded its meaning, both on the expression (signifier) or the content (signified).

Keywords: structure and system of signs, temples and its yard layout, Mataram Kuna period of 9thAD, structural semiotics.



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