Nanik Setyawati, Riyadi Santosa, Sumarlam Sumarlam, Dwi Purnanto


Discourse monologue Mario Teguh is a discourse have its own style in expressing said pearls to the reader or an audience. Through a medium that effective (social networking), the discourse monologue easily and quickly identified audiences and can move a burden to do certain activities to reach the purpose. The purpose or this research is to description function of pragmatic in discourse monologue Mario Teguh  in social networking. This research including the kind of research qualitative. Research locations specified in research this is the  location places in a web of social; the participants is writers and reader; and is happens is on facebook, instagram, and twitter. The determination of sample based on reaserch objectives using  a technique sampling namely purposive sampling considering sufficient data, so function of pragmatic in discourse monologue Mario Teguh  in social networking could be described a complete and be completed. Methods and technique data collection used is the method take a rubber (technique take not engaged conversation) and technique note. Procedure analysis data is using analysis the domain, taxonomic analysis, componential analysis, and analysis the theme culture. Based on the results of the analysis data can be found that in discourse monologue Mario Teguh in social networking there are function of pragmatic  among other: (a) a function representative, (b) a fuction  directive, (c) a function expresive, (d) a fuction comisive, and (e) a function isabati.


Keyword: function of pragmatic, discourse monologue, and social networking.

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