Herlina Herlina


Malay Sanggau known to be very diverse, so no wonder there are many varieties of which also affect the meaning of a word relating to certain categories of words, in this case the verb category. The use of the verb variations of Malay Sanggau very concerned about aspects of the circumstances underlying the birth of a certain speech because this condition will greatly affect the choice of verbs accordance with the conditions and feelings of the speakers. This study uses qualitative descriptive method. The data in this study a speech of informants that contain variations of the verb which would then cause various shades of meaning of certain verbs election by native speakers. Sources of data in this study is Malay Sanggau West Kalimantan Sanggau spoken by the Malay community. Data collection techniques in this study using techniques of observation and recording. The results of this study indicate that there is a wide variation within each verb. Any variation of different verb meaning according to the context of the speech.


Keyword: Malay Sanggau, verba,  meaning, variation,  and nuance

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