A.A. Ayu Dian Andriyani, Djatmika Djatmika, Sumarlam Sumarlam, Ely Triasih Rahayu


This qualitative study aims to discover and describe the language politeness markers used by Japanese tourists in Bali in their conversation with the staffs of a tourist information center in Ubud. The theory used is the theory of politeness (Brown and Levinson,1978), Japanese honorifics system (Iori Isao dan Takahashi, 2000) and other pragmatic theories related to this research. The method used is non-participatory observation method, followed by note taking technique (Sudaryanto,1993) with recorder as tool. The data analysis technique is pragmatic equivalence by using descriptive language to be natural and can be easily understood by the reader. The result of this research indicates that the markersof politeness used by Japanese tourists in Bali (in the domain of tourism) is characterized by the adherence and non-adherence to the rules of language, characterized by the use of honorific Japanese through the selections of markers of politeness followed by certainvocabulary choices based on the context of conversation, indirect speech act, and some nonverbal markers of respect called as the attitude of 'ojigi'.


Keywords: politeness markers, Japanese, speech level, ojigi.

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