Sumarlam Sumarlam


This paper presents the results of news text analysis about internal conflicts in Keraton Yogyakarta (KIKY) by using Norman Fairclough’s critical discourse analysis approach as a major theory. The study includes a description (text analysis), interpretation (discourse practices), and the explanation (social practices). The results are as follows. (1) Structure of news KIKY text was built by four units of discourse: the headline, orientation, sequence of events, closing. The positive ideology of the conflicting sides and the institutions (government, experts) are represented through the modalities and positive sentences. Meanwhile, negative ideology are represented by prohibition speech and negative sentences. (2) The events of what happened, who was involved, what is the relationship with the issues raised, and the role of language can be expressed through the interpretation of the discourse practices. (3) The situation when the news text was produced, the influence of the institution (conflicting sides involved) to the text produced, and the condition of the people of Yogyakarta Palace related to economic, political, social, and cultural interests; all of them can be explained by their socio-cultural context.

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