This research was motivated by the low problem solving abilities of students. Therefore, one way to overcome this
problem is to use the SSCS model. This research aims to determine students' problem solving abilities using the
SSCS model assisted by flashcards. The method used is a quasi experiment with a non-equivalent control group
design, and uses a quantitative approach. The sample was selected using purpoive sampling technique. The research
results showed that the problem solving abilities of experimental class students obtained an average pretest score of
39.7 and an average posttest score of 71.7. Meanwhile, the control class obtained an average pretest score of 40.2
and an average posttest score of 61.7. As well as the average posttest score for each indicator of problem solving
ability in the experimental class and control class, the highest was the indicator of preparing a solution plan, and the
lowest was the indicator of understanding the problem. The results of the prerequisite tests, namely the normality
and homogeneity tests, obtained that the pretest and posttest scores in the experimental class and control class were
normally distributed and had a homogeneous variance. Based on the hypothesis with the Independent Simple T-
Test where sig results were obtained. (2-tailed) is 0.000 < 0.05 so that H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted, thus it can
be concluded that there is a difference between classes with and without using the SSCS model assisted by flashcards
on problem solving abilities in the excretory system material.
Full Text:
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