Development of Pocket Book at the Respiratory System Subject for Senior High School Grade XI

Nurul Nisa Muhammad, A. Mushawwir Taiyeb, Andi Asmawati Azis


This study aims to produce a pocket book that is valid, practical and effective. This research includes a descriptive research with development of learning tools using ADDIE development model. Subjects in this research is a pocket book on the Respiratory System subject with respondents two professors of Biology UNM, a biology teacher and 35 students of grade XI IPA2 of SMA Negeri 1 Tamalatea Jeneponto. Assessment instrument consists of three, namely (1) instrument validity of a questionnaire assessment validation pocket book (2) practicality instrument in the form of questionnaire responses teacher and student questionnaire responses, and (3) the effectiveness of the instrument in the form of test results of learning. The results showed pocket book declared fit for use by an average of validity of three validators was equal to 4.5 (valid). Teacher's response analysis was very positive with a value of 89,89% and a very good response from students by 89.91% as well as the learning results of all students had passed the standard of learning outcome. This research shows that the pocket book was classified as valid, practical, and effective.

Keywords: teaching materials, pocket book, respiratory system, learning results

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