Validitas Bahan Ajar Pengayaan IPA SMP/MTs Berbasis Riset Perilaku Makan Monyet Ekor Panjang (Macaca Fascicularis, Raffles) di Hutan Karet

Amir Amir, Mochamad Arief Soendjoto, Dharmono Dharmono


The enriched teaching-material is transferred to the students completing the lesson and exceeding the criteria of minimum compliment, so the students are able to develop their potential optimally. The research aimed to validate the teaching-material which was made based on the research of long-tailed macaque’s (Macaca fascicularis) eating behaviour in the rubber forest. This material was teached to the students of Class VII, SMP/MTs. Validation was carried out by 3 experts of University of Lambung Mangkurat in two replications, 2 partner teachers representing the users, and 4 seventh-grade students of SMPS Ikhwanul Muslimin, Balangan District, South Kalimantan Province. The students fulfilled the criteria of minimum compliment. Components validated by experts and partner teachers consisted of content, presentation, and linguistic, but by students consisted of display, presentation, and benefit. After the second validity replication by the experts, the score of teaching material was categorized valid, applicable, and no revision. The partner teachers gave the same criteria as the experts did. Finally, the students absolutely agreed to the material.

Keywords: eating behavior, enrichment, macaque, teaching material, validity

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