Karakterisasi, Identifikasi, dan Observasi Histologik Letak Fungi Endofit yang Diisolasi dari Tanaman Cordilyne fruticosa (L.) A. Chev.

Putri Kartika Mukti, Utami Sri Hastuti, Sulisetijono Sulisetijono


The red hanjuang (Cordilyne fructicosa (L.) A. Chev.) is a sort of medicinall plant. This plant contains some secondary metabolites that have antimicrobial effect. The secondary metabolites are; saponin, tanin, alkaloid, steroid, and flavonoid. The research is done to; 1) identify the endophytic fungi isolated from the red hanjuang [Cordilyne fructicosa (L.) A. Chev.] leaf and stem bark, and 2) observe histologically to the location of endophytic fungi in red hanjuang [Cordilyne fructicosa (L.) A. Chev.],  leaf and stem bark. The endophytic fungi isolation is done by inoculate acceptically the pieces of red hanjuang leaf and stem bark, on the Potato Dextrose Agar medium, and incubated in 25-27oC for 24 hours. The identification is done by macroscopic and microscopic character observation. The fungi slide were made by slide culture method, afterwards referenced to the identification key for fungi. The histologic observation for endophytic fungi was done by red hanjuang leaf and stem bark slices microscopic observation. The research result shows that; 1) there are eight species endophyte fungi species isolated from red hanjuang leaf and stem bark: Colletotrichum coccodes, Colletotrichum aotearoa, Colletotrichum kahawae, Colletotrichum fruticola, Colletotrichum ti, Colletotrichum cordylinicola, Colletotrichum theobromicola, and Colletotrichum queenslandicum; 2) Theendophytic fungi hyphae isolated from red hanjuang located on leaf epidermis cell wall and on the stem bark sclerenchyma cell wall.


Isolation, identification, endophyte fungi, observation, red hanjuang

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