Pengelolaan Sampah Di Kota Tasikmalaya

Dian Haerani, Syafrudin Syafrudin, Setia Budi Sasongko


The existence of waste from domestic, commercial and industrial activities, it was inevitabel, even more, complex and increasing in quantity in line with economic development. Waste is identified as one of the factors causing negative externality for urban activities so that good and thoroughly waste management is really needed to handle those problems. Waste management is a sistematic, comprehensive and sustainable activity that includes the reduction and handling of waste (UU No. 18/2008). Generally, the problem of solid waste in Indonesia is the highest generation of waste produced and the conventional waste management method where waste is collected and then dumped into the landfill.The purpose of this study is to analyze the waste management that has taken place in the Tasikmalaya City. The method used in the research is direct observation in the field. Waste management in the City of Tasikmalaya consists of reducing and handling waste, but its implementation in the field still adheres to a collection-waste-dumping sistem that is collected by the community at a point then transported by cleaning staff and then dumped into the Final Disposal Site (TPA).The generation per capita garbage in Tasikmalaya City is 3.63 liters/person/day with the largest composition of waste is an organik waste, which is 48% comes from food waste. Community participation in waste management is still low where people only collect without any effort to reduce waste and sort of a waste. Waste problems that occur in the City of Tasikmalaya can be caused by the lack of optimal waste management sistems in terms of infrastructure, service coverage, waste management budgeting to law enforcement.


waste management, waste generation, waste composition, waste transport method.

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