Biobakterisida Kitosan Cangkang Kerang Darah sebagai Anti Bakteri Ralstonia solanacearum
Blood shell (Anadara granosa) are animal mollusks whose availability is abundant in nature and their shells are not utilized. Blood shell can be potentially in an environmentally friendly biological control effort, namely as a biobactericide to eradicate bacterial wilt in red chili (Capsicum annum L.). This study aims to examine the effect of giving biobactericides made from blood shell chitosan as an anti-bacterial agent on red chili plants. The method in this study was the experimental method using a completely randomized design (CRD). Red chili leaf samples that were affected by bacterial wilt were obtained from Tulungagung. Biobactericides made from blood shell chitosan shells are made through four stages, namely deproteination, demineralization, depigmentation, and deacetylation. The test treatment used several concentrations of chitosan, which were 1%, 2%, 3%, and there were negative controls and positive controls with repetitions of four times. The anti-bacterial activity test data was analyzed by one-way ANOVA and continued with Duncan Test. The results showed that the administration of biobactericides made from blood shell chitosan had an effect on the growth of bacteria on wilting red chili plants. Treatment with a concentration of 2% resulted in the most optimum inhibition zone in inhibiting bacterial growth compared to other concentrations of 7.25 mm ± 1.50 mm. So, the blood shell chitosan has the potential as a biobactericide.
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