Uji Daya Adsorpsi Adsorben Kombinasi Sekam Padi dan Bagasse Fly Ash untuk Menjerap Logam Cu pada Sistem Batch

Mardhiyah Ayu Astari, Budi Utami


This research aims to find out the adsorption capability of combination of rice husk andbagasse fly ashas Cu metal adsorbent in batch system. The methode of research included preparation of materials, activation of materials using HCl and NaOH solutions, characterization test using SEM, FTIR, and AAS. Determination of surface structure of rice husk and bagasse fly ash adsorbent using SEM instrument.Determination of functional group of rice husk and bagasse fly ash adsorbent using FTIR instrument.Determination of adsorption capacity test of rice husk and bagasse fly ash as adsorbent on variation of adsorbent composition, adsorbent mass, adsorbate concentration using AAS instrument. The results showed that rice husk and bagasse fly ash can be used as adsorbent because there were pores on surface structur of rice husk and bagasse fly ash.  There is OH function group at wave number 3424,75968 cm-1 and Si-O function group from Si-O-Si at the wave number 1048,3565 cm-1 in combination of rice husk and bagasse fly ash adsorbent, the optimum composition ratio of rice husk and bagasse fly ash adsorbent was 1:2 with the precentage of 97%  adsorbed Cu and adsorption capacity is 0,9164 mg/g, the optimum adsorbent mass in Cu adsorption was 0,2 g with the precentage of 99,77% adsorbed Cu, and  the optimum concentration of adsorbate was 10,1984 mg/L with the precentage of 97,22% adsorbed Cu and adsorption capacity 0,4958 mg/g. The isotherm of adsorption pattern follows the Langmuir isotherm wich means the adsorption process tends chemically.


rice husk, bagasse fly ash, adsorption, Cu metal

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