Struktur Spermatozoa Tikus Putih Jantan yang Diberi Tanin Daun Beluntas (Pluchea Indica)

Eko Susetyarini


The purpose of this study was to prove: the administration of beluntas leaf tannins in influencing the structure of spermatozoa in male white rats. This type of research is true experimental. Number of samples of 12 male white ratsages 3 months, weight 150-200 g. Variable used, that is independent variable tannin beluntas leaf, dependent variable of spermatozoa structure of male white rat. The research stages are as follows: Group I is a control group, without being treated. Group II was divided into 2 treatments, namely the group was given beluntas leaf tannin and was given pure tannin at a dose of 0.8 ml 3 times a day. The treatment was repeated 3 times. Giving tannins of beluntas leaves given orally as much as 0.8 ml (an effective dose of tannins in inhibiting the fertilization of previous studies) for administration of 1 x dose to rat once daily for 49 days. Male white rat that had been treated were dissected and the vas deferent was taken and semen removed. Semen is observed with a microscope on the structure of the spermatozoa: the shape of the head, neck and tail. Data were analyzed descriptively qualitative. The research data shows that the same size and shape on head, neck, spermatozoa tail from the control treatment, pure tannin and tannin beluntas. The findings of this study of pure tannin and beluntas leaf tannin did not affect the structure of the spermatozoa.


Spermatozoa, Beluntas leaf, Tannin, White Rat

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