Pengetahuan ICT Guru Sains Berdasarkan Lokasi Sekolah dan Pengalaman Kerja SMA Negeri di Sumatera Barat

Erman Har1, Welya Roza2, Ashabul Khairi3


The focus of this study is to examine teachers' different knowledge of ICT based on school location, education and work experience. The population of this study of science subjects teachers in West Sumatra.the sample of the study was determined purposively, as many as 300 respondents have responded to the research instrument,Inference analysis used is t-test and One Way ANOVA test.The results showed that there was a significant difference between the knowledge of science teachers who taught outside school with science teachers teaching in schools in the city (t=3.15, p=0.002).Teachers who teach in the city have a higher ICT knowledge than teachers who teach in out of town schools.ICT Knowledge Teachers with undergraduate education are higher than ICT teachers' knowledge of post-graduate education and differ significantly (t=2.82, p=0.04).Furthermore there is a significant difference in ICT knowledge of science teachers based on work experience.The implications of this study are that schools located outside the city need to be provided with computer equipment, internet access and trainings that can improve teachers' ICT knowledge, especially experienced teachers.


ICT knowledge, science teacher, school location, work experience

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