Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning dengan Media LDS Bergambar terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas VII Materi Pencemaran Lingkungan

Achmad Sakroni, Hernik Pujiastutik


So far, education in Indonesia still focuses on teachers as the main source of knowledge, then the use of lecture model becomes the main choice of learning strategy. The purpose of education is expected to be achieved, but so far education has not been able to support the achievement of educational goals. One of the models and learning media that can be used is Problem Based Learning model using LDS media. Problem Based Learning model using LDS media. is one of the efforts that can be used to improve student learning outcomes. Through the model of Problem Based Learning and LDS Illustrated media, learners can know the important points by linking the material in real life so as to make the students become more active in following the learning process. Then do research about Problem Based Learning learning through LDS media with the aim of aiming to know the effect on the learning outcomes of students of class VII SMU NU Bancar on Environmental Pollution material. The research was conducted in SMU NU Bancar. Population in this research is all student of class VII SMU NU Bancar. The sample in this research is only taken 2 classes that is class VII A (experiment) and class VII B (control) which amount 30 x 2 = 60 student. Parameters in this study in the form of data on student learning outcomes in the analysis by using SPSS program 19. The results showed that the average score of student learning outcomes that follow the learning of Problem Based Learning through LDS media Illustrated in the experimental class of 80.2 and the average score the students' learning outcomes that follow the conventional learning in the control class is 70,87. Thus, it can be concluded that the learning outcomes of students who follow the learning of Problem Based Learning through LDS media is better than the students who follow the conventional learning


Effect of Problem Based Learning Model, LDS Media, Learning Outcomes

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