Analisis Keterampilan Proses Sains Berbasis Gaya Kognitif melalui Model Pembelajaran Think Pair Share (TPS) Menggunakan Media Gambar di SMPNegeri 1 Jenu

Nurul Fitriyah, Imas Cintamulya


Scientific process skills are a very important skill in science learning process.Another thing that should also be considered is the cognitive style of students.Based on the description how the skills of science process students SMP Negeri 1 Jenu on learning Biology through Think Pair Share learning model with image-based media reflective cogitive style and impulsive cognitive style. The purpose of this research is to describe the skill of science process of students of SMP Negeri 1 Jenu on Biology learning through Think Pair Share learning model with image media based on reflective cognitive style and impulsive cognitive style.The type of this research is descriptive explorative.The subject of research data are 12 reflective students and 11 impulsive students. The instruments used are MFFT (Matching Familiar Figures Test) test sheets and students' science skill test sheets.Data collection techniques use MFFT (Matching Familiar Figures Test) tests and science skills process tests.Data analysis of science process skills based on reflective cognitive style and impulsive cognitive style tested by non parametric test of Mann Whitney.The results of research indicate that with Think Pair Share learning model with cognitive reflective-style student image media in answering science skill process problem in more detail, thorough and complete.While impulsive students are less detailed and less complete. The conclusions in this study there are differences in the ability of students' cognitive reflective-style student science skills and also students with cognitive impulsive style.


science process skills, cognitive style, Think Pair Share Model, image media

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