Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran untuk Memfasilitasi Guru Menumbuhkan Rasa Tangung Jawab Siswa SD terhadap Masalah Banjir

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The general objective of this research is to develop learning tools for teachers to facilitate students' sense of responsibility for flood problems. Besides, the purpose of this research is to have teachers and students have the skills and reference in using learning materials so that it becomes teacher innovation to facilitate students to solve the problem of flood in City of Samarinda. Specifically, this study aims to obtain the effectiveness of learning tools developed with the characteristics of schools, and flood problems.Development of package of learning tools refers to the Dick and Carry development model (1990), beginning with step 1) Determination of subject matter and competency standards and indicators to be achieved by students, 2) Needs Analysis, 3) development of packages of environment-based learning devices flood, 4) Expert test result of development, 5) experiment result of flood-based learning device. The pilot activities consist of small group trials and limited field trials carried out with observation techniques at the time of learning, so that at the time of implementation teachers and students have been skilled for the operationalization of learning tools to facilitate students solving flood problems, learning tools include, RPP, media, LKPD, evaluation and rubric of assessment of affective spheres and creative behaviour.Benefits obtained through this research is through research development of learning tools to produce innovations in learning tools both in terms of media, and assessment rubric to help students foster a sense of responsibility of students to the problem of flooding. Through the stages of the implementation of learning devices in the flood can be directly known, especially related to the affective and creative behaviour. Result of effectiveness test of learning device developed there are difference of result of responsibility of student of elementary school to flood problem by using measuring instrument of attitude (affective) and creative behaviour which have been developed, seen from data analysis result using t test, where probability t value < 0.05.


Development, Learning Devices, Student’s Responsibility, Flood Problem

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