Analisis Berfikir Kritis Siswa yang Bergaya Kognitif Reflektif dan Implusif pada Pembelajaran Biologi melalui Model Think, Talk, Write (TTW) dengan Media Gambar

Qonita Iffa Septiana


As one of science lessons, biology is expected to be a lesson that can develop students' critical thinking skills. This critical thinking ability is very important in connecting the facts that exist in the natural world, linking principles and theories, raising questions, analyzing other people's opinions, analyzing problems, and solving biological problems. In addition, cognitive style is one important aspect that needs to be considered. Based on this study aims to analyze students' critical thinking skills reflective or impulsive cognitive style through cooperative model TTW (Think Talk Write) with image media. The subjects were 19 students of SMP class VIII C SMP Negeri 1 Merakurak with reflective and impulsive cognitive style. Student cognitive style is measured by MFFT (Matching Familiar Figures Test) developed by Warli (2010). While data for critical thinking is obtained through critical thinking tests by referring to the Ennis (1985) indicator. Furthermore the data of students' critical thinking ability reflective and impulsive cognitive style was analyzed statistically nonparametric by using Mean Whitney test. The results of the study are as follows: students' critical thinking skills with reflective cognitive style tend to be high. While the critical thinking skills of impulsive students tend to be low. The conclusion is that reflective cognitive-style students are better than impulsive cognitive-style students.


Critical Thinking Skills, Model TTW, Image Media, Reflective Cognitive Style, And Impulsive Cognitive Style

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