Penerapan Instruksi Pada Tahap Conceptualization Pembelajaran Guided Inquiry untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Menemukan dan Menghubungkan Konsep

Windi Ria Fransiska, Nurmiyati Nurmiyati, Sri Widoretno


The research aims to improve the ability to find and connect the concepts of students by implementation
instruction in the conceptualization stage of guided inquiry learning. This research is a classroom action
research through 2 cycles. The research subject is 32 senior high school students consist of 24 female students
and 8 male students. The research procedure through stages are planning, action and observation and reflection.
Data were collected trough observation, interviews, documentation and tests for measure score of concept map.
Validity of the data with triangulation method. Data analysis using data reduction, data presentation and
drawing conclusions based on qualitative descriptive analysis. The results showed the ability to find and
connect the concept based on the concept map score on pre cycle range from 2.32%-10.6%,  an average concept
map score of 4.63% with 15 of students above average score. The cycle 1 identified from score of concept map
is range 5.55%-35.6%, an average concept map score of 11.14% with 7 of students above average score. The
cycle 2 identified from score of concept map is range 7.5%-61.62%, an average concept map score of 19.4%
with 10 of students above average score, thus the ability to find and connect concepts based on the range and
mean score of the concept map students increased from pre cycle up to cycle 2.


instruction, conceptualization, guided inquiry learning, find concept, connect concept

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