Pengembangan Lembar Kerja Mahasiswa (LKM) Berbasis Inkuiri Kontekstual Materi Mikrobiologi Air pada Mahasiswa Pendidikan Biologi UNIMED

Yusnita Anwar Nasution, Hasruddin Hasruddin, Tumiur Gultom


The study aims to determine: (1) The results expert material validation of worksheet that has been developed;
(2) The results of design experts validation of worksheet that has been developed; (3) Response of lecturer of
microbiology subject to worksheet that has been developed; (4) Perception of University of Medan Biology
Education students to Worksheet that has been developed; (5) The eligibility of Worksheet for Biology
Education students of State University of Medan. This development study uses a modified Borg & Gall model
as needed to produce a product of a contextual inquiry-based worksheet. The subjects test consisted of a team
of material experts, a team of design specialists, 3 (three) students individual testing of biological education, 9
(nine) students of Biology education small group trial, 20 (twenty) students of Biology education limited field
trial. Data collected using questionnaires. The results of material expert validation to microfinance based
worksheet in context of water microbiology materials that have been developed with the feasibility of the
contents show the percentage of 93.75% included in the category of very good; Feasibility of presentation
shows the percentage of 91.44% included in the category of very good; The feasibility of the contextual inquiry
component indicates the percentage of 87.82% in the category of good good; The design validation results show
that 89.06% percentage is included in the category of very good; The result of the assessment by the lecturer
shows the percentage of 93.75% is included in the category of very good; Individual tests show the percentage
of 86,66% included in the category of very good; Small group test showed 87.22% percentage included in the
category of very good; The test of the restricted group shows the percentage of 91.12% included in the the
category of very good. Test based on the data the product worksheet based on inquiry of contextual material
of water microbiology which have been developed feasible to be used for student as worksheet in Microbiology


Development of Student Worksheet; Aquatic Microbiology; Contextual; Inquiry

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