Memberdayakan Berfikir Kritis Siswa melalui Model Problem Based Learning (PBL) dengan Media Power Point Ditinjau dari Gaya Kognitif

Nunung Nuraeni, Imas Cintamulya


This study aims to describe students' critical thinking skills in review of the cognitive style through Problem Based Learning (PBL) model with the power point media on the subject of environmental pollution. For the research subject, it consists of 26 students of class VI-B at Nurul Anwar Junior High School in the academic year2016 / 2017 consisting of students with reflective cognitive style 8 students, impulsive 6 students, accurate 6 students, inaccurate lamabat 6 students. The test used in this study is a critical thinking test that amounts to 5 questions that refer to the Ennis indicator (2010). To know the cognitive style data of students using MFFT test refer to Warli (2010). Data analysis technique of critical thinking ability in non parametric statistic analysis with crucified-wallis test. Descriptive data analysis to analyze cognitive style data. The results of this study indicate that there are differences in the way of the critical guessing of children who have reflective, impulsive, quick accurate, and slowly inaccurate, reflective cognitive style better than cognitive-impulsive, fast-accurate, inaccurate slow-spirited children. Students who reflective style better than students who have impulsive cognitive style, fast accurate slow inaccurate biology lesson through Problem Based Learning model (PBL) using power point media.


Critical thinking, cognitive style, Problem Based Learning (PBL), power point

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