Penambahan Instruksi pada Tahapan Regulation Model Discovery Learning sebagai Upaya Meningkatkan Kemampuan Menemukan dan Menghubungkan Konsep

Alfina Dewanty, Maridi Maridi, Sri Widoretno


The research aims to increase the ability for finding and connecting concept by addition instruction of regulation
stage discovery learning. This research is a Classroom Action Research with 2 cycles. Procedure of research
includes planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. Subject of this research is 11 male students senior high
school and 25 female students senior high school. Data collection with observation, interview, documentation,
and test for measure score of concept map. Data obtained in the form of answers and note that measured with
concept map based scoring in concept map expert. Data validation use technique of triangulation method. Data
analysis conducted data reduction, presentation of data, and conclusion based descriptive qualitative analysis.
Result of this research show range of students concept map scores on the pre-cycle 2,6-9% and average is 5,7%,
with 18 students above average score. Concept map score on first cycle have range 6,2%-73,6% and average is
31%, with 16 students above average score. Concept map score on second cycle have range 14,8-56,2% and
average is 31,6%, with 21 students above average score, therefore the addition instruction of regulation stage
discovery learning increase the ability for finding and connecting concepts based on concept map score of
students from first cycle to second cycle.


instruction, discovery learning, regulation, find concept, connect concept

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