Pemberdayaan Lahan Kritis melalui Pola Interaksi Cacingtanah dengan Lingkungannya

Sri Dwiastuti


In Indonesia, increased critical land reached 24 million hectares, showed that the rate of damage land
resources is worried due to the less- controlled management. Thus, the widespread critical land need to be
identified to set the factors causes.Various type of land used as an indicator of damaged, so it takes effort to
restore critical land into potential land. One of solution is harnessing the earthworm interaction pattern with
environment. Earthworms as a decomposers of ground plant litter and soil organic matter, then digested and
excreted in the form of casting. The ability of these animals in consuming ground plant litter as a food was
depend on the availability preferred of the litter,ultimately depend on carbon and nitrogent suply. Earthworm
feces is called casting, allegedly contains nutrients levels of N, P, and K. Understood that earthworms are
potentially to expounds of organic matter into small particle. The observation showed that soil had earthworm
with large quantities supposed the soil fertility caused create aeration and prevented on soil compaction.
Earthworms in turn stimulate soil nutrient mineralization and s oil organic material saving. Organic
materials improving the physical soil, biological soil and increase the nutrient suply for plants. In the cycle of
organic materials, earthworm as a fragmentator, as an fragmentation of the decomposition process of plant
litter in the soil surface. The ground plant litter in the moist soil undergoes fragmentation much faster than
dry soil. The earthworms also as stimulator humification, the process of destruction and mixing of chemically
against particles of organic into humus. Generally, the diversity of earthworms sustainability of ecosystem
exposure to elevated carbon and mediated nitrogen cycling, as well as modify the structure of the soil and
moisture. In ecosystem, the interactions between component has mutual effect and dynamic relation. This
means that the relationship between components isn’t simple and static, but extremely variable and changed.


critical land, interaction pattern, earthworm, environment

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