Nova Eko Hidayanto


We know that how important BK (Counseling Guidance) in campus and secondary  school until senior high school. Remember that now is globalization or modern era which is how heavy information from foreign country that do not bring fine cases which accordance with our country personality that is Pancasila. Lately, many decadence moral like student or society fighting, drug and alcohol drinking, et cetera. Even especially many victim of alcohol drinking are student of very young people and this is become central of attention from our state, Indonesia, not only now but forever. Because of that, alcohol drinking which is easy gotten and identical with appearance of discotiques which is come from foreign country. Of course drug and alcohol drinking can cause death accordance with medical science and destroy  of education world. In one side, BK role is helping and pushing service to all student for to speed their study with giving advices so that can filter  negative acts which can not accordance with Pancasila and religion. In this, BK role must join with religion and PPKN teacher for helping better student in Indonesia.

Kata Kunci : Role, Pancasila and Civic, Counseling Guide

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