Vol 5 (2020): 14th Joint Conference on Chemistry
Proceeding of 14th Joint Conference on Chemistry: "Strengthening the Foundation of Sustainable Development: Research, Practice and Education”.
Vol 4 (2019): National Seminar of Chemistry 2018
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Kimia (Surakarta, 5 Mei 2018) dengan tema “Potensi Bahan Alam Hayati sebagai Alternatif Penemuan Obat Baru dan Aspek Legal Obat Herbal”.
Vol 1, No 1 (2016): 10th Joint Conference of Chemistry
Proceeding of Chemistry Conference vol.1 (1) 2016 publishes articles from 10th Joint Conference of Chemistry, held by Chemistry Department, Sebelas Maret University on September 8-9, 2015