Farmers’ behavior and the potential results of cattle-oil palm integration in South Sumatra's oil palm replanting area

Herwenita Herwenita, Joni Karman, Sidiq Hanapi, Fuadi Irsan, Yeni Eliza Maryana, Agus Suprihatin, Yanter Hutapea, Suparwoto Suparwoto


Objective: Replanting of oil palm plantations needs to be done to ensure long-term supply. However, problems arise due to the reduced income of farmers during the non-productive period of oil palm plantations, so there are various farmers’ behaviors in responding to this situation. One effort to increase farmers' income is through cattle-oil palm integration. This paper aims to analyze farmers’ behavior, the factors that influence it, and the potential yield obtained from the integration of cattle into oil palm in replanting fields.

Methods: The research was conducted using case studies in Cinta Damai Village, Sungai Lilin District, Musi Banyuasin Regency, South Sumatra, from November 2019 to November 2020. The survey was conducted on 35 farmers to assess behavior and factors that could influence it. Meanwhile, the potential yield of cattle-oil palm integration was measured through a demonstration plot of 1 ha of odot grass planting and processing of cow manure waste. Behavioral data were analyzed using path analysis, while the potential yield was analyzed descriptively.

Results: The results showed that farmers have behaviors that support the cattle-oil palm integration business. Factors that directly influence this behavior are land area and socio-economic motivation. Meanwhile, socio-economic motivation through success belief has a significant effect on farmers’ behavior.

Conclusions: The farmers' behaviour regarding the implementation of cattle-oil palm integration in oil palm replanting areas had criteria of poor, medium and good, with percentages of 5.71%, 25.71% and 68.51% respectively. The factors that directly influence this behaviour are the area of oil palm replanting area and the socio-economic motivation of the farmers. The potential results obtained from implementing cattle-oil palm integration are 1) forage for livestock (FFL) from odot grass, and 2) manure and liquid organic fertilizer (LOF) from cow dunk.


Cattle; Farmers’ behavior; Integration; Oil palm

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