Effect of date (Phoenix dactylifera L.) pit flour as alternative feed ingredients on egg quality of laying hens

Tasya Nur Karina, Osfar Sjofjan, Tri Eko Susilorini, Muhammad Halim Natsir


Objective: The aims this study of evaluate the effect of use date (Phoenix dactylifera L.) pits as alternative feed ingredient on egg quality of laying hens.

Methods: This study was designed to consist of 5 treatments and 5 replications using a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) and if the effect was significant (P>0.05) or very significant (P>0.01), then Duncan's Multiple Distance Test (DMRT) was continued. The treatment in this research was the use of date pit flour with different concentration levels, namely 0% (P0), 2.5% (P1), 5% (P2), 7.5% (P3), and 10% (P4).

Results: The results showed that the use of date pit flour could increase egg weight, shell weight, shape index, and yolk color.

Conclusions: The use of date pit flour (Phoenix dactylifera L.) up to 10% level was used to improve the egg quality of laying hens.


Laying hens; Egg weight; Date pit; Haugh unit; Egg quality

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