Development of salted egg powder by the addition of garlic extract

Herly Evanuarini, Agus Susilo


Objective: The objective of this study was to determine the use of garlic extract in salted egg powder based on the physicochemical quality, to improve nutrition, shelf life and consumer preference.

Methods: This study used was a laboratory experimental design with a completely randomized design with 4 treatments and 4 replications. The treatment were without the addition of garlic extract as a control (P0), 5% (P1), 10% (P2), and 15% (P3) addition of garlic extract to salted egg powder. Pan drying method at 60°C for 6 hours was used as a drying method. The variables measured were yield, Lightness, redness, and blueness color, moisture content, antioxidant activity. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used as data analysis, if there was a significantly different effect, it was continued with Duncan's Multiple Range Test (DMRT).

Results: This study produced salted egg powder with a yield of 27.22-36.77%, color L of 75.35-80.33, color a* 5.01-6.33, color b* 26.99-31.66, moisture content of 2.23-2.77%, and antioxidant activity of 2.30-11.64%.

Conclusions: The best treatment of this research is salted egg powder with the addition of garlic extract as much as 15% and produces a product with a yield of 36.77%, color L of 75.35, color a* of 6.33, color b* of 31.66, moisture content  of 2.77 and antioxidant activity of 11.64%.


Antioxidantactivity; Garlic extract; Pan drying; Salted egg powder

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