Comparison of the reproductive performance of the Kacang goats on three synchronization methods

Yendraliza Yendraliza, Rahmi Febriyanti, Muhamad Rodiallah


Objective: This study was conducted to investigate the effect of different methods synchronized on the reproductive performance of the Kacang Goats, estrus response, pregnancy rate, kidding rate, twins and litter size.

Methods: Forty-five dam of Kacang goats were divided into three groups (n= 15); 1) goats were injected 1 ml PGF2α (LutalyseTM) on day 1st and after days 11nd. 2) goats have injected 1 ml of GnRH (FertagylTM) on day 1st and the 7th day was injected 1 ml of PGF2α. 3) goats have received 1 ml progesterone (Progesterone-C) on the first day and the 7th day was injected with 1 ml PGF2α. Estrus observations were made on the 12th day for the first group, 8th day for the second group and 8th day for the third group. This data analyzed with a t-test. The effects were considered to be significant when the level of probability was less than 5%.

Results: The results showed that visualization estrus (goods), the percentage of estrus (100%), the onset of estrus (51.6 h- 52.6 h), the percentage of pregnancy (100%), birth percentage of kids (100%) Kacang goats better on the use of double PGF2α and a combination of GnRH and PGF2α than the use combination progesterone with PGF2α but the duration of estrus, twins and the kidding rate no difference between treatments.

Conclusions: Synchronization method using a combination of GnRH with PGF2α and double PGF2α produces estrus responses, pregnancy rate and birth rates that are higher than the combination Progesterone with PGF2α synchronization method.


Estrus Response; Kidding Rate; The Pregnancy Rate

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