Identification of factors causing reproductive disorders of the cow found in North Labuhanbatu Regency, North Sumatera Province
Objective: This study aims to identify the factors that cause reproductive disorders in beef cattle in the North Labuhanbatu, North Sumatra.
Methods: The objects of this study were cattle with reproductive disorders and breeders whose cattle had reproductive disorders. This research used a survey method. Primary data was obtained by distributing questionnaires and conducting direct interviews with breeders, while secondary data was obtained by studying the 2017 report of UPSUS SIWAB (Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture's program to accelerate the fulfilment of domestic beef cattle population targets) in North Labuhanbatu Regency. The questionnaire covered the characteristics of cow with reproductive disorders including body condition score (BCS), type of cows, feed given to cows with reproductive disorders, maintenance management, veterinary/medical personnel visits, pregnancy checks, heat synchronization, birth assistance, type of mating, and the breeders identity. This questionnaire was distributed to 30 breeder respondents in 5 districts. Data were analyzed using stepwise regression with SPSS.
Results: The results showed that 110 cows had reproductive disorders, 57.3% of which experienced hypofunctional ovaries. The independent variable that has the strongest correlation to the dependent variable is the body condition score (sig. 0.043), followed by the feed given to the cows (sig. 0.046) with the regression equation Y = -4.297 + 1.495X1 + 2.492X2.
Conclusions: The identified factors that had correlation to reproductive disorders in female beef cattle are body condition score and feed.
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