Upaya Peningkatan Kualitas Produk Jamu melalui Identifikasi Bahan Baku berbasis Curcuma: Studi kasus di PT. Rachma Sari Group, Sukoharjo

Saptono Hadi, Rita Rakhmawati, Laura Anastacia, Syaiful Choiri, Ahmad Ainurofiq, Dinar Sari C Wahyuni, Estu Retnaningtyas Nugraheni, Tiara Dewi Salindri Pratama, Sri Hartati Sapto Rini


The increasing number of traditional medicine industries is in line with the growing demand for raw herbal materials. Small and medium-scale industries commonly rely on external suppliers to meet their raw material requirements for production. However, it is common to encounter issues such as adulteration and misidentification of raw materials, which can be detrimental to the industry and the public. Therefore, there is a need for an accurate and efficient method of identifying raw materials that can be applied within the industry. The program is carried out in two main stages. The initial planning stage involves observing the needs of industrial partners to identify the issues they are facing and develop solution-oriented approaches. The program's implementation stage begins with the collection of samples, which are then analyzed using Thin-Layer Chromatography (TLC) to identify active components. The analysis results are evaluated, and the data obtained are presented to the partners as recommendations for their issues. The analysis conducted using TLC indicates that there is no indication of adulteration in both the raw materials and the products. TLC provides quick, accurate, simultaneous, and cost-effective results. This reaffirms that TLC is an effective and efficient method that can be adopted by the herbal medicine industry, enabling the industry to maintain the quality of its products.


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